


Hello Friend,

I am at the Okapi Hotel in Kigali Rwanda, The computer is actually quick so a brief post. The challenge is the keyboard which I think has the french arrangement of the letters although it is hard to tell because most of the letters are worn clean off!

Mombasa was fabulous
The transit has been rigourous.
Visit in Western Kenya with David Zarembka and Mama Gladys was nigh unto rivendell.
I have found Chrissy M and she is getting me for worship in the morning and will give me a lift out to Ruhengerhi MOnday to see Habimana Augustine and Louise.
The break from travel is good.
I am keeping a journal so the writing will come later.

Thanks for all the prayers
Thanks for the update Peggy! I am glad to hear how it has been going, Alivia has been keeping us updated. Say hello to Africa for me...
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