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6.01.2008Rature Ready - Cubs edition![]() Because the apocolyptic quantification site, raptureready/dot/com fails to include the obvious factor of a Cubs World's series victory in their end times calculations, The SPG "end of the world" desk feels the need to start tracking this clearly cataclysmic feature on this site. It is June first. The Cubs are not only in first place in their division AND league, they have the best record in baseball today. They are playing .632 baseball They have won seven games in a row. Because it is so early in the season, sinners do not need to be concerned just yet. But please stayed tuned.
My chosen sister and I are Cubs fans for the same reason, . . . because the play with the "love of the game," and therefore, winning and losing are not the highest priority. It is a spiritual thing we find in this sort of baseball--a reverence for a greater idea; teamwork, joy, personal excellence.
Now, I wonder,. . . we all know the cubs. Could it be that those who endure in their reverence are those that shall finally "win the race?" If happens, I shall find great satisfaction in the metaphorical content. If not, I still think the notion is a sound one. Grins.
well, almost as amazing if you consider that the Phillies are playing 576 ball. Tampa Bay in in AL is at 614. But the Cubs are at a crazy 638 today!
Of course this simple hubris here displayed will probably be enough to start the regression towards the mean. I wonder what Ron SAnto sounds like happy? That would be trippy. Alas MLB does not allow internet radio broadcasts of games even when they are done. That is just stupid. I would pay a couple of bucks to hear Ron call the ninth win in a row!
today 6/6 they are playing .639 ball and have wone 9 of the last ten, most of them ON THE ROAD!
But to demonstarte the true Cubs fan temperament - the chicago Sun Times prints 101 reason not to get excited. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/cubs/991022,CST-SPT-gordo06.article That's my home town!
July 1 =
The Cubs have slipped below .600 just in time for the allstar break. Now might be a good time for a small sin or two if you feel one coming on.
OK - End of July Report -
The cubs slid all month. and in the last week of the month the 2nd place Brewers tied them for the division lead. Green light for sinning!?! Then here at the end the cubs went to Milwaukie and took four in a row from them. The Brews are now 5 games out and the Cubbies are back at almost .600. The Cubs have the best record in the NL. The Angels look pretty strong. I am beginning to suspect that the Mariners have been voodoo soul-switched with the old cubs. They are 27 games out at the end of July. If you must sin - I advise keeping it venial.
They are winning day games in August/ The Cubs Pitcher Ace Carlos Zambrano is BATTING .354 !!! his era is 2.76 He pitched five innings today and hit a double getting an RBI Sinners beware!
The Cubs have regained the lead in the Division, NL, and MLBB. Tonight. Zamrano pitched seven innings, beat the Reds, and hit a home run. The pitcher is batting .361. I reccomend acts of charity rowards the poor! .
The Cubs have won the last SEVEN games! They are at .630 Now would be a good time to do a sincere Fourth Step.
it is September and they have lost five in a row. This is not the 'all clear for sinning' but that may be on the way
Sept 13
the Cubs holding at .600 They were scheduled for three games in Houston this weekend. Hurrican IKE interveined. Can you say ACT OF GOD !?!?
Sweet Home Chicago had a record 6 and a half inches of rain in one day yesterday. That is 90 billion gallons of water.
And the remnants of IKE have not got there yet. the cubs/astros games have been moved to Milwaukee. I would think that the people of Milwaukee should be preparing for locust.
Sunday night sept 14
Carlos Zambrano just pitched a full no-hitter. The first no-hitter in 36 years of Cubs baseball. They said his arm was used up for the year. It would be a good time for a fourth step
The season is over.
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they are in the playoffs. this from Paul L "Someone said the other day that expecting the Cubs to win the World Series (go all the way, like the song) is kind of like turning on your porch light for Jimmy Hoffa." Jimmy Hoffa is buried out under the right field turf. I fully expect him to rise from the dead on that fateful day! << Home |