

Absolutely shameless guilt producing post

I will be speaking about the Rwandan Student Project tomorrow evening at 5pm over a cheap fundraising dinner at Paul and Miriam Bock's House on College Street in Newberg during Northwest Yearly Meeting.

So far today we have a paypal contribution of Five weeks of school for a Rwandan Vulnerable, Thank You Friend!

A week of tuition costs $7.00 US.
Think about that when you buy your lunch tomorrow.

Anybody out there paying private school tuition?
Would you like to talk to your children about pairing them up with a Rwandan? How about one student for every pet you have in the house?

Paypal takes a very small transmit fee, Which I will gladly match so that not a franc of your contribution will be lost between here and Rwanda. I would love to see the blogosphere make me put a bunch of money where my mouth is. Come on - bring it!

EFI has agreed to transmit the fund to Rwanda YM without any overhead fees. You will not get many chances to have such low overhead costs!