

HERO of the Faith

Mukhtar Mai

Somtimes the devil just picks on the wrong woman.

After being gang raped as a community-court-ordered punishment for an alleged infraction committed by her 12 year old brother,
She was supposed to commit suicide.

She prosecuted the rapists
and the court that sent them.

She received a monetary judgement which she used to build schools for girls.
She had never SEEN a school before she built one.

Iternational attention has brought her enough money to build schools and clinics and more.

She cannot read or write but she is blogging in urdu
with the help of a BBC translator.
you can read excerpts of it in translation.
Her story is stunning.

Not many of us blog with the real prospect of it getting us killed.
Hail, and well met Greatheart!
You may ride with my pack anytime.