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2.04.2006Call for a Convergent Conversation
On March 4 and 5, Margery Post Abbott and I will be speaking at Quaker Heritage Day at Berkeley Friends Church, Berkeley CA. We are going to be having a future focus to our ministry, and I think it would be lovely to see how many bloggers we could gather under one roof at one time. I like Robin M's use of the word 'convergent' and would like to explore what that could mean in the Quaker context.
Here is the link for info on the weekend. http://www.berkeleyfriendschurch.org/QHD06Flyer3.pdf The theme of the day will be "God's Agenda for us -- will we cooperate?" I will be bringing the Sunday Morning message, and I have already 'caught' it. The title is "Dangerous Quakers" Let me know if you can join us, and I will set aside some semi-private blogger time.
So I guess this counts as a written invitation... count me in. A West Coast Quaker blogger conversation!
I will have to contact BFC and see if there are any childcare arrangements yet. Being the technophobic parents we are, my children are NOT bloggers. Yet, I suppose.
Any chance there could be a repeat "conversation"/presentation on the Friday before the FGC Gathering (June 30) in Puget Sound, Washington, when perhaps more "continental" bloggers would be in the area?
Please...? Blessings, Liz, The Good Raised Up
I see no reason why there could not be many such conversations. I do think that flesh n blood conversations add something -- perhaps I am just a luddite. I could get to Tacoma for a day -- I think that scene would be Martin's invitation...
Joe... I SO want this day to be podcast! Especially the Sunday morning message. I know BFC will recorded it. But I give you the podcast rights to anyuthing I say, right now. The big ALAS is that Alivia Biko wll not be able to come with us and sing, sigh
BFC's recording equipment is good, and they have the ability to burn CD's. I have a CD of last year's QHD with T. Canby Jones. I will ask to have your use of their recording approved.
Hi Peggy,
Oh you know I'll be there in Spirit. I'm already taking too many weekends traveling to cool Quaker things this Spring and have to remember that parent- and spousal-hood are important vocations too. Yeah, let's do something in Tacoma. FGC events are not my call, as staff are servants to the committees. Fortunately the FGC Advancement committee really wants something like this to happen too! Joe, might I get to meet you. Egads!? Matter and anti-matter and all that? And Robin: what, the kids don't have blog space? Huh, I wonder if I'm going to have to someday negotiate transfer of the Theo and Francis pages to the kids themselves? Nah, they'll probably be sick of watching their parents on the computers all the time and will become principled Luddites. That would teach us! Blessings on the convergent assembly, it sounds fabulous! Friend to you all, Martin Kelley Quaker Ranter
Unfortunately, Quaker Heritage Day is the same weekend as Pacific Yearly Meeting's Representative Committee meeting. As the clerk of the Children's Program Committee, I feel a sense of responsibility to attend.
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Yet as Berkeley Friend Pam Calvert wrote in an email, this is a day not to miss. ESPECIALLY for me as a Quaker blogger, whose wife (Robin M.) is inviting the other bloggers to dinner. Sigh.... Robin keeps telling me the fate of our Quaker children, or at least of the program, depends on me. I keep thinking if we were already in Gospel order, that would not be true, because there would be someone else who could go. But I'm not sure any of the other committee members can attend, and it's vitally important for the children's program to be present. Again: Sigh....! << Home |